Amatsu Mikaboshi, a band from Kyoto of Japan, riddled by Amatsu Neko, a psychologist, expert in human behaviour and Karasu Mikaboshi, a graduate astrologist out from japan's famous N.A.O.J. Ofcourse Neko and Karasu are not their real names since those words mean : Cat and Crow in japanese, but they prefere to stay unnamed and masked, far away from the lights of media for obvious reasons relating with their jobs.
Undersky feel proud to use one of their masterpieces "Reflection", as the first track for our youtube channel's new theme series, wich will include one of your favorite artists following by the magnificent pictures that only the magical powers of universe can introduce to you by the lens of NASA's famous Spitzer Telescope. You can learn about all the galaxy districts and objects while listening to stunning music, always coming from Undersky. Have a taste of our first one :
Undersky feel proud to use one of their masterpieces "Reflection", as the first track for our youtube channel's new theme series, wich will include one of your favorite artists following by the magnificent pictures that only the magical powers of universe can introduce to you by the lens of NASA's famous Spitzer Telescope. You can learn about all the galaxy districts and objects while listening to stunning music, always coming from Undersky. Have a taste of our first one :